pets - medicine for the soul


They are almost like stuffed toys, soft and cute. Due to its irresistible appearance, it is often compared to a toy. Who wouldn't want to have a bunny as a pet? Bunnies are one of the cleanest animals and are said to smell like babies.


Where and how to keep a bunny as a pet?

If you have decided that you want a bunny as a pet, it is recommended that he definitely have his own corner in the form of a cage. Cages measuring 50x30x25 cm are quite enough for your bunny to spend time in. Certainly, the cage should not be the only corner of your bunny, but you can freely let it walk around the apartment and adapt it to the company of a house dog or cat if they are your pets too.

Bunny nutrition

As for nutrition, there are already ready mixes of special food for bunnies. We must give them hay in unlimited quantities, because hay also helps regulate their digestion and helps them expel hairballs that accumulate in their digestive system. They like almost everything from fruits and vegetables.

Good hygiene

They are very grateful in terms of hygiene and behavior in the apartment. If they are free in the room, they always defecate in one place, in their cage, or in the toilet bowl in which you have taught them. So you regularly clean the cage, in which you put sawdust, preferably fragrant, and the bunny will almost certainly not feel in the house as a new member of the family.